Top 4 Pomegranate Recipes for Rosh Hashana
Top 4 Pomegranate
Recipes for Rosh HashanaOne of the best parts of Rosh Hashana is, of course, the
delicious food that comes with the celebration of the New Year.
While the first night comes with prayers over wine and eating
the round challah and apple sliced dipped in honey, the iconic
ingredient of the second day of the Tishrei is pomegranate. The pomegranate, or
the rimon in Hebrew, is a symbolic
fruit in Jewish tradition. During Rosh Hashanah, it signifies a wish for
blessing in the
12th Aug 2021
Jewish Cuisine -No Treif, No Problem
No Treif, No Problem‘Jewish Cuisine’ tends to mean something different to certain people, depending on who youask. For some, the smell of chulent and potato kugel in the kitchen brings them running, and forothers kubeh and mujaderra can have the same effect. But whether you’re Ashkenazi orSepharadi one thing is for certain – traditional cooking is essential to any Jewish home.Different factors throughout our history have played significant roles on what we’ve come tothink of as Jewish cuisine su
15th Jun 2021
The origins of Provencal tablecloths
origins of Provencal TableclothsWhat we today regard as Provencal table cloths and fabrics
have their origin not in France but rather in India. The colorful prints
originated from East India in the 16th century. Jean-Baptiste Colbert (Minster of
Finance under King Louis XIV) allowed free access into the Port of Marseille,
and trade activity increased as imported goods arrive from the Indies. Among
them, cotton fabrics with bright floral patterns with colorfast dyes. These
so-called “I
20th May 2021
Purim customs from around the world in days gone by
Purim customs from around the world in days gone by.GermanyOn Purim eve, torches containing gunpowder would be ignited.
During the Megillah reading, the gunpowder exploded with a deafening noise.
They also prepared doll-shaped cakes, called “Haman”. The children would cut
off the doll’s head and eat it with great glee.ItalyThe youngsters would divide into two camps and throw nuts at
each other. They also placed an effigy of Haman in a high place, and encircled
it, to the sound of trumpets.F
24th Feb 2021
Passover Customs from around the World
On Seder night, the Haggadah sets the order
or Seder of the evening, but foods and traditions vary enormously among
different communities. Ashkenazim can’t imagine a seder plate without
horseradish, while many Sephardic families use romaine lettuce for maror
and celery leaves for karpas. Naturally, foods were often
influenced by what was available locally and by regional culinary traditions.My Sephardic mother cooked the eggs for the
seder plate in onions skins and added a dash of coffee.
17th Feb 2021